Dark souls weapon pack skyrim
Dark souls weapon pack skyrim

dark souls weapon pack skyrim

The glitch is essentially starting an animation (usually rolling), queuing up the two-handing of a bow in the left hand (while performing that animation) and then switching out the bow for another weapon so that this newly equipped weapon is two-handed in the left hand instead of the bow. using an item, two-handing a weapon) during an animation causes this action to be queued up and executed only after the animation is over.

  • Action Queuing: Performing an action (e.g.
  • Two-handing a bow: A bow is the only weapon type in Dark Souls that is able to be two-handed in the left hand.
  • Procedure This glitch abuses the following features of the game:
  • 3 Button press sequences for moveswapping.

  • Dark souls weapon pack skyrim